Composting At Home: Tips, Tricks and Benefits!

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Composting is a great way to reduce waste and create nutrient-rich soil for your plants. It's also surprisingly easy to do at home, so let's get started!

First, you'll need a compost bin. You can purchase one online or at your local garden store, or you can even make one yourself using a large container with a lid. Just be sure it's well-ventilated and has drainage holes.

Next, you'll need to start collecting compostable materials. This includes things like fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, tea bags, eggshells, yard waste (like leaves and grass clippings), and even shredded paper and cardboard. Avoid adding meat, dairy, and oily foods, as they can attract pests and slow down the composting process.

Once you have your compost bin and materials, it's time to start composting! Begin by adding a layer of dry materials (like leaves or shredded paper) to the bottom of your bin. Then, add a layer of wet materials (like food scraps or grass clippings) on top. Repeat this process, layering dry and wet materials until your bin is full.

Be sure to turn your compost regularly with a pitchfork or shovel to help speed up the decomposition process. You can also add water to keep it moist, but be careful not to over-water and create a soggy mess.

After a few months, you should have rich, dark compost ready to use in your garden or houseplants. Spread it over your soil or mix it in with potting soil for a nutrient boost.

Composting is a simple and rewarding way to reduce waste and create healthy soil. Happy composting!

Are you a more visual learner? Click on the video below to learn the basics of establishing your own backyard compost bin with Amy Smart & Kiss the Ground co-founder, Finian Makepeace

Healthy soil is full of carbon, by converting to regenerative agriculture we can build it back and reverse climate change.” - Finian Makepeace

About Finian Makepeace

 Finian Makepeace is a pioneer in the regenerative agriculture and carbon sequestration, who co-founded Kiss the Ground, an NGO that aims to educate and inspire people to regenerate the earth's soil. He is an author, speaker, and advocate for regenerative agriculture practices, including regenerative grazing, composting, and cover cropping. He is also known for his work in regenerative agriculture education, as well as his efforts to help farmers and ranchers transition to regenerative practices. He has written a book called "Kiss the Ground" and also appears in documentaries such as "Kiss the Ground" and "The Need to Grow"

Biodynamic coffee plant growing in soil

6 Benefits of Compost

1. Promotes higher yields and crop resilience
2. Eliminates the need for chemical fertilizers
3. Improves contaminated, compacted, and marginalized soils
4. Enhances water infiltration and water-holding capacity
5. Provides carbon sequestration
6. Provides an essential element for regenerative gardening

Did You Know Compost has Superpowers?!