Our mission

We believe that regenerative farming is one of the most powerful forces for positive change on our planet. Every cup of coffee represents an opportunity to improve soil health, enhance biodiversity, and support farming communities that are leading this vital transformation.

Our commitment is simple but profound: to source and roast the world's finest Biodynamic® and regeneratively grown Organic coffees. This means cultivating equitable partnerships with farmers, maintaining unwavering standards in our roasting practice, and bringing out the full potential of every bean we source.

By choosing Holistic Roasters, you're not just getting a cleaner, healthier coffee - you're supporting farmers who are bringing regenerative wisdom back to agriculture and helping create a more resilient future.

What is Regenerative Farming?

Regenerative farming works in harmony with nature to create thriving ecosystems. This holistic approach increases biodiversity, enriches soil, improves watersheds, and enhances the land's natural vitality. By working with nature rather than against it, farmers eliminate the need for synthetic pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and chemical fertilizers.

The results speak for themselves: healthier soil produces more nutrient-dense crops, naturally resistant to pests and diseases. This means better health for farming communities, cleaner water systems, and ultimately, a purer cup of coffee for you.

When farms thrive naturally, everyone benefits - from the microorganisms in the soil to the farmers tending the land to the people enjoying their morning coffee. That's why we're committed to supporting farms that nurture life at every level.

"A truly regenerative agriculture is one in which all the natural resources we use to produce food get renewed in the process of using them."

- Fred Kirschenmann